Can You Exercise When You Have A Heart Condition?

One of the great challenges many face are what types of exercises to do when you are dealing with a heart condition. Whether it’s hypertension, a heart murmur, or atrial fibrillation, there are certain exercises that are actually beneficial to these conditions. When we exercise we increase the functionality of our entire system. And the great benefit is that we begin to ease much of the strain that can be on our cardiovascular system. When you are dealing with any diagnosis from your doctor regarding a heart condition, realize that exercise may be some of your best forms of medicine. Let’s look at the proven safe methods. These are some of the most beneficial for our cardiovascular system. When you bring these up to your doctor, ask them at what intensity level they will be ok with you doing the particular exercise. As you get stronger, you will be able to handle more.

This is one of my favorites. If you are also overweight and have any joint pain, cycling can be helpful in eliminating the pain while getting the aerobic and anaerobic benefits. 

This is great step up from walking. Ease into it. 

This is a top pick. Swimming works your entire body and can really push on your heart rate. Make sure to get clear from your doctor and follow a gradual approach. 

4.Strength Training 
I feel this is essential. One key in strength training that will help you maintain great strength and endurance is to keep your pace up. Your rest between sets of any format should be 30 seconds or less if you want to improve your cardiovascular system along with your strength. 

Above all else, just start with walking 10 minutes a day, six days per week. It really is that simple. And walk with a strong pace. Walk like you are going to be late for a flight.

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