About Doctor Asa Network


Doctor Asa Network is the largest health media multi-platform that is home to exclusive all-new content from Dr. Asa. We will regularly be releasing new healthy video content that tells the stories that matter and helps you make sense of the world around you.


Real health information has been suppressed in the West people are not living the best version of themselves. Health care simply based on what “Science Says” has become a tool of repression and fear. Mainstream health and wellness experts many times no longer reveal essential health information to the public; they can even sometimes work to omit or hide it. What will actually bring you optimal health and vitality is much simpler than one might think. We are here to tell those stories and open the conversation to empower you.

Optimal health can’t function in a society like this. Parents need to know how to eat and live themselves and how to promote health in their home. People do understand they’re being told partial truths, and they are searching for complete answers to live healthier lives.

There’s only one solution to a unhealthy spiral like the one we’re living through, and it’s telling the truth about the things that matter — clearly and without fear. That’s our job. We plan to do it every day, no matter what.


We believe that healthcare worldwide is slanted in its message and the only way forward is to build something better so you can live healthier. If this sounds like you, too, then join us today. By becoming a member of Team Asa, you will unlock access to endless hours of exclusive members-only content from Doctor Asa.

Join the movement, and help us tell the truth about the things that matter.

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You are our Dream Team. We’re building a healthy media alternative to make America healthy again. Team Doctor Asa empowers us to do our job without fear of any establishment or censorship. It’s time they stopped hiding the truth from you. We’ll do this together.

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