5 Essentials To Watching Your Weight

When it comes to losing weight there are some guidelines that we all must follow. It seems like there is a mystery on how to lose the weight with so many diet plans and available ways to get lean. But what really works? The keys are found in some of the basics and the lifestyle choices that you make each and every day. Losing weight has to do with how your metabolism breaks down the food you eat every day, how the hormones are working, and how well and effective your body can break down the calories. So lets take a look at some of the essentials that, if a part of your daily routine, can leverage greater weight loss and keep your energy levels at an all-time high. 

1.Learn Your Macros 
Your what? Our macronutrients are called our proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. There is a perfect balance for each person and what you are attempting to accomplish with your body and fitness goals. Learn what your exact macro breakdown is and discover how well your body can function. 

2.Manage Your Hormones 
Make sure you have your hormone levels tested routinely. There are so many variables with toxins in the environment, poor air quality, and emotional stressors, that can be a great impact to our hormones for empowering your health

3.Be Consistent With Exercise 
You must do it 5-6 days a week. I don’t care if you don’t like it. Do it. Find a way. You have the time. We all have the time. Make the time. Make sure you do at least 20 minutes. Just do something. Go biking, weightlifting, swimming, play sports, anything except gardening. Have fun gardening-just don’t call that exercise

4.Get Your Sleep 
It’s is the key for weight loss. Deep, quality sleep for 6-8 hours is a must to detoxify the body, restore cells, and improve your output for the next day. Plus studies and research have shown that getting proper sleep increases weight loss by over 50%. Pretty strong stats.

5.Drink Water 
I get asked and I say this a lot. And I will keep saying it. It is the vital link for weight loss and optimal health. We must drink more water. Do the gallon jug challenge. Take a gallon jug with you everywhere. See if you can drink an entire gallon in one day. You will be amazed how full it still is by 6pm. Focus on the water, and you will start hitting new goals for your target weight. 

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